Post by radicalapologist on Sept 15, 2010 21:32:09 GMT -6
PAST radicalApologist [PRA] 10:50 PM opened memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY.
PRA: ok let me get started on this..its a better time then any
PRA: hi stream and forum..its your loving stream goer RA here
for a short little memo of things that have/will happen or however this time shit works
PRA: this is just for those who will b joining us at one point or another so they are filled in on what has already/will happen
PRA: i am sorry to inform you that this isnt a public posting thread so please if you have anything i missed out on at one point that you wish for me to touch on, please PM me and ill make a modification to this post and change things up if needed
PRA:but enough about that lets get going already
PRA:now lets start with..well..the beginning
PRA: vriska out of the kindness of her blue blood pumping muscle that at this moment i cant find a word for, started up the first stream by the name of "vriska's web" when they found they (the trolls) could watch movies without being in the same room with eachother
PRA: as you could probably guess they were overjoyed!
PRA: in the hours following the stream going up, to the displeasure of many (not all of course) of the the trolls we know and mostly regard as friends, the stream became packed with humans and other trolls who the 12 had not met before and frankly had no interest in meeting
PRA: ill have to cut this post short because i am too tired to work on it now, in the morning i shall continue on
PRA: but just remember..DONT FUCKING TOUCH THIS
FUTURE terminallyCapricious 4:13 opened memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY
FTC: ToUcH. hAhAhAhA...
FUTURE terminallyCapricious 4:13 closed memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY
PRA:that is all
PAST radicalApologist [PRA] 11:19 PM closed memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY.
PAST radicalApologist [PRA] 9:37 AM opened memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY.
PRA: oh
PRA: oh come on gamzee man im trying to keep this clean
PRA: all these shenanigans will probably scare away the newbies
PRA: buh whatever
PRA: lets just get back on course
PRA: anway where was i?
PRA: oh right, the stream became a hit, we watched movies and laughed at the trolls fighting among themselfs and it was AAAAALLL very to make sure vriska wasn't the most popular..or maybe cuz he just wanted to join in the fun..karkat made a stream too called "karkats desktop"
PRA: and in turn tavros made a stream as well: "tavros's dungeon"
PRA: tavros pretty much played GBA games without sound for a while because he was having audio problems until he convinced (bugged) sollux into fixing it for him
CRA: as for karkat he also played movies..most of which, to our surprise, were not romcoms...making for actually enjoyable streams from him
PRA: he quickly became the most popular streamer
FUTURE carcinoGeneticist 6:12 opened memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY
FUTURE carcinoGeneticist6:12 closed memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY
PRA: guh fuck it i dont care
PRA: now where was i?
PRA: ah yes
PRA: as time went on more and more people came in to stream and to watch
PRA: im guessing at one point karkat just called in his BEST FRIEND john to watch and he invited everyone else on his own accord
PRA: if this is true i guess i should thank him
PRA: anyway we got rose, terezi, diamonds droog, wandering vagabond, nepeta, kanaya, and another karkat, and two aradias to stream for us.
PRA: "WHOA RA HOLD UP WE HAVE TWO KARKATS?? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?" you ask? well its rather simple...even for us.
PRA: you see this website and the streams themselves are set up in a weird kind of people from doomed timelines..earlier timelines..older timelines...different dimensions even..are able to come and be a part of this tomfoolery.
PRA: in fact we have more then one of alot of people
PRA: as of right now we have 2 karkats, carcinoGeneticist (current with us karkat) and KarkatVantas (past karkat who is SLOWLY catching up), 2 nepetas, arsenicCatnip (current nepeta) and arsenicCatniip (appears to ALSO be current..if i were to guess she is in a timeline that is almost exactly like ours), two aradias, apocalypseArisen (who is past aradia before she was a robot) and apocalypsearisen (current robot aradia), and lastly two daves..which is pretty normal really..DaveStrider (current human dave) and turntechGodheadDS (current davesprite).
PRA: at this point there is only one thing to say in the case of this...
PRA: bluh fuck..all this weird time shit is making my head hurt..ill come back to this a bit later
PAST radicalApologist [CRA] 9:50 AM closed memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY.
CURRENT radicalApologist [CRA] RIGHT NOW opened memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY.
CRA: fuck no one knows how to listen
CRA: fuck whatever i dont care lets just keep going
CRA: now we will touch on some of the events that have happened over time
CRA: they will not happen in any certain order for this is only to give information
CRA: so yeah whatever
CRA: so right..a while back we were still using the streams channels..all was well and things were pretty peaceful as you can be with these assholes at least
CRA: we were all watching a movie on contra's (confusedTransier) channal and having a good time...or was it a show...ah well it doesnt matter the fact is we did it
CRA: then..a being of great assholetude appeared..with his head empty as a gamzee attacked faygo bottle he reported contras channal and got him shocked us all..we had gotten a good thing going and then some asshole came in and ruined it
CRA: but there was not much we could do..we bucked up and moved onto the next stream..contra got a new account and met up with us shortly after..from that point of we were careful
CRA: we didnt broadcast the channels like we used to..and we thought it would only be right to keep it to ourselfs
CRA: this struck us a blow..we were almost sure we wouldnt get any new viewers..we were ok with it but new people were always good to have
CRA: but then the chances for new blood were slashed away from us...or so we thought at least
CRA: after the ban things went back to normal and we didnt have much problems..but strangely enough we were still getting new people left and right..sure it was more of a slow pore now but we were getting more people that were staying rather then going "HEY YOU GUYS ARE FUNNY...WELL DERP BYE" and never coming back
RCA: it was nice if i do say so myself
CRA: but day..we decided we needed to make something BIGGER....a BUNCH of people has streams now..and going from page to page became troublesome
CRA: kanaya brought up the idea of a group channal..pool all the people that stream together and make one smooth ship for us to sail on
CRA: and thus.."the medium" was born
CRA: it was kind of a rough start..some people couldnt really get it and didnt know how to work it yet..but we got a hang of it...
CRA: at that point past katkat got a idea...lets make a site!
CRA: so we did..he spent some time working on it and got it down pretty well with the help of some other people
CRA: he also put together this little forum you are on right now
CRA: sometimes i wonder just how much he really enjoys our company...hmmmm
CRA: banner made by our resident aradia megido...she is very good at drawing..check out her thread its pretty go-FUCK THIS ISNT THE TIME TO PLUG ART
CRA: anyway things were going good...
CRA: what? you're waiting for the until?
CRA: well here
CRA: until
CRA: until..through some stupid chance..the stream was reported..and banned.
CRA: karkat..the one who set up the medium...current one i mean..he was banned for it cuz he set it up to begin with..if you think you saw him rage're wrong
CRA: anyway..after that happened we went and made another one..still under karkats name..and that worked for a while..but that too was banned..while i was streaming even..
CRA: feels bad man
CRA: but my point here is that we had to make one that was less we made 8888888888..a stream under vriskas name if you couldnt tell
CRA: buuuuut......karkat lost the password to it like a we had to make ANOTHER ONE...bluhbluh we call it..
CRA: for the time being it seems we cut down the showing of movies to rare times and mostly stick to streaming games
CRA: but yeah..thats all the direct stream related stuff going on CRA: and...that happened...or will happen...fuck i dont even know
CRA: but yeah..ill do next part pretty soon
CURRENT radicalApologist [CRA] RIGHT NOW closed memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY.
CURRENT arachnidsGrip [CAG] RIGHT NOW opened memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY.
CAG: Most popular streamer?!?!?!?! What!!!!!!!!??
CRA: get the fuck out of here vriska! this isnt the time or place for this!
CAG: Fuck you! IIIIIIII'm the most popular streamer!
CRA: like hell you are
CRA: you barely even stream anymore
CRA: and karkat used to stream for hours like...everyday for some time there
CRA: the point is that you arent and never will and be the most popular never were either
CAG: I streamed for just as many hours!
CAG: Now he doesn't, either!
CAG: 8esides, I used to 8e the oooooooonly one! I'm clearly the winner here! Not that any8ody should 8e surprised 8y that.
CRA: GOD WHATTHEFUCKEVER i dont care can you just move this hissy fit along so i can go back to making this damn thing in peace?
CAG: No way!
CAG: Hello, idiots reading this!
CAG: I'm Vriska!
CAG: You know, the gr8 one that every8ody likes, who started all this stuff, which I sort of regret 8ecause hooooooooly shit humans suck.
CAG: 8ut, anyway........
CAG: You're pro8a8ly a human if you're reading this, anyway.
CAG: In which case, go the fuck away!
CAG: Never come 8ack!!!!!!!!
CRA: *sigh* goddamn it
CRA: you should know by now any human in their right mind would ever listen to you
CRA: i sure as hell dont
CRA: now move along before i ban your ass
CRA: ill do it
CRA: im crazy
CAG: Oh, they'll listen to me!
CAG: I'll make them! :::
CAG: Just like you can't 8an me right now!
CAG: You can't do it, caaaaaaaan you?
CAG: Come on, all you have to do is click!
CAG: Make your move make your move make your moooooooove!
CRA banned CAG from responding to memo.
CRA: now that that retardation is over with lemme close this shit again
CURRENT radicalApologist [CRA] RIGHT NOW closed memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY.
CURRENT radicalApologist [CRA] RIGHT NOW opened memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY.
CRA: That's more like it! :::
CURRENT radicalApologist [CRA] RIGHT NOW closed memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY.
CURRENT radicalApologist [CRA] RIGHT NOW opened memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY.
CRA: fuck the police im not doing a intro
CRA: the next thing up is events that took place during the streams
CRA: this, is also in no real order but ill try my best to go by my memory like in the memo beforehand
CRA: most of these are so silly and dangerous that they should never be done by anyone again ever
CRA: so for the love of all that is holy....DO THIS SHIT
CRA: thats you cant do it seeing as you motherfuckers never listen to me anyway and do the opposite of what i say...congrats myself you just saved your friends a limb or two
CRA: now lets get this show on the rode
CRA: the first one im gonna say is...we kinda..made gamzee go crazy a while back
CRA: lemme try and explain
CRA: gamzee, under large amounts of stress...kinda...breaks..we arent sure all of the things that do it..but so are the two we know that do it are eversion's last few levels to a lesser extent..and song 22 of the squiddles album
CRA: you may be asking yourself..."wut RA?"...and that is a very good question
CRA: well the only answer i can come up with is....gamzee
CRA: when gamzee is in these..broken state..he WILL try and kill you..horribly even
CRA: the first time it happened was when the squiddles album had JUST came out
CRA: everyone went "WTF" pretty much at the same time
CRA: to the album i mean
CRA: now..when we got to the last song gamzee wasnt there yet
CRA: but we convinced him into skipping ahead
CRA: then shit hit the fan
CRA: as the prank started everyone started acting weird..really weird
CRA: they were all talking about being tangle buddies and talking in zolgospeak
CRA: but in time the prank was over on their side
CRA: but kanaya, one of the people they were pulling the prank on, x2 prank combo'd them and got them back while gamzee was flipping one point gamzee got a hold of kans chainsaw and started fucking shit up with it..not hurting anyone but still..fucking shit up pretty bad
CRA: kanaya had a bean bag gun at the moment that she shot at karkat and i think one other person..i dont remember
CRA: anyway after a while kanaya gave yup the prank after a good laugh and was about ready to move on until she noticed gamzee was still..well..flipping the fuck out
CRA: there didnt seem to be much that could stop gamzee at the time
CRA: buuuut we got him out of it by someone butting in and saying something along the lines of "hey gamzee! i heard that you like nepeta!"
CRA: after that he snapped out of it...and...didnt deny it?
buh..weird..oh well it probably isnt an important detail anyway
CRA: but onto the second time it happened
CRA: you day tavros went kinda..i donno...mad..weirdly enough..and turned on song 22 while gamzee was in the room and then left his desk to go see vriska i guess i dont even know
CRA: so gamzee heard it..and flipped out again!
CRA: he pulled out his club and started looking for the chainsaw again while everyone was panicing
CRA: i tried to turn his crazy self off the same way as before didnt all
CRA: eventually the trolls had to fight him off
CRA: kan tried knocking him out in non-lethal ways
CRA: eridan hid in his room and kept offering to blow his head was more annoying them helpful
CRA: karkat went in his room to hide as well...some fearless leader huh?
CRA: tavros was away
CRA: vriska was away
CRA: and equius tried to help fend off gamzee
CRA: weird thing is..when he is like that..his power surpasses equius even
CRA: also early fuck you to equius before he comes to bitch at me for this
CRA: this situation..actually got fucked up pretty badly
CRA: while equius was trying to restrain gamzee..he kinda got..gored by was pretty fucked up
CRA: kan who was hurt badly as well due to the close quarters fighting finally knocked him out and made him pass out
CRA: of course no one died here but yeah..equius had healed since the accident
CRA: dont bother him about'll just be on my head
CRA:...shit this has gone on a long time..and there is a whole nother gamzee story to tell
CRA: fuck it ill tell it next time
CRA: closing now
CURRENT radicalApologist [CRA] RIGHT NOW closed memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY.
CURRENT radicalApologist [CRA] RIGHT NOW opened memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY.
CRA: so right
CRA: on to the next story
CRA: i kinda forget what leads into it but we got gamzee to go crazy again...i think it was..oh yeah! was karkat this time i think
CRA: but really i dont remember
CRA: anyway
CRA: with this time..kan kinda had had enough and was just letting everyone else deal with him
CRA: equius had kinda had enough as well..seeing it was JUST the next day
CRA: but right..he was going after vriska and tavros pretty much only this time..and he didnt have the this case he had a spiked club...was not a pretty sight im sure
CRA: so we kinda just watched it happen for a bit and he was fucking shit up..but then vriska came on and gamzee tried to fight her..and kinda..broke her robot arm
CRA: so at this time kan thought it was good to jump in..equius as well..i guess he kinda needed the arm on hand
CRA: ha...see what i did there?
CRA: hand...arm...hahaha
CRA: haaa....
CRA: anyway
CRA: kan tried knocking gamzee out again
CRA: but it didnt work so well and as a counter attack gamzee threw special stardust into kans eyes..
CRA: it...actually made her get was fairly silly and awful
CRA: with a sedated kan off flipping out..or rather chilling out
CRA: equius was left to take care of gamzee pretty much on his own with a little back up from vriska
CRA: but in the end gamzee overpowered them both
CRA: now lets focus on kan for a bit
CRA: terezi was taking care of her high self while everyone else was fighting
CRA: kan was busy tripping out so she was kinda useless at the time
CRA: but then she noticed gamzee and went over and gave him a hug that knocked the wind out of him a bit but he knocked her away
CRA: terezi came and started helping by bonking gamzee..bonking him alot
CRA: br gamzee started attacking her too..though she just giggled it off
CRA: seriously what the hell is wrong with that girl?
CRA: anyway
CRA: kan came up behind gamzee and wrapped a scarf around his neck and started choking him out with it.not really meaning to..but ending up doing it anyway
CRA: anyway gamzee passed iyr from not being able to breath and went back to normal
CRA: kan snapped out of it not much later
CRA: and thats pretty much it...
CRA: there was some kind of weird drama shit last night as well but i wasnt there for it..if someone wants to PM me and tell me what happened ill add it to the story later on
CRA: but for now im gonna close this
CRA: yeah
CURRENT radicalApologist [CRA] RIGHT NOW closed memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY.
CURRENT radicalApologist [CRA] RIGHT NOW opened memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY.
CRA: ok right this is silly and short but this is more of a update about this memo itself
CRA: ill be doing updates for it once a day for a while
CRA: im sure all of you are broken hearted but the ship shall sail on
CRA: /update
CURRENT radicalApologist [CRA] RIGHT NOW closed memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY.
OOC radicalApologist [ORA] RIGHT NOW opened memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY.
ORA: (ok right this is new)
ORA: (lemme go out of character for a bit and explain something)
ORA: (very VERY recently the trolls were seen about to beat the game)
ORA: (vriska, who we had all thought kept her robot arm and one eye turned out to have became her dreamself because aradia killed her in the latest flash)
ORA: (do to this she went back to perfect health
ORA: (to avoid the many fuck ups that would have came to this...we have in turn retconed ((made it so it didnt happen)) all of the times vriska has had a robot arm and did things with it..also all the one eye jokes as well)
ORA: (i will update this again later IN character but for the moment this is just a news flash for those confused why suddenly vriska has her eye and arm back in the RP)
ORA: (i will continue to tell the stories as i remember them, weather they have robot arm shenanigans or not..not many did but im just saying)
ORA; (this section is also open to deletion if the RP overloads do not see it fit for me to tell you all this)
ORA: (as a humble non-canon it is my right to at least listen to them so yeah)
ORA: (this is RA signing off)
OOC radicalApologist [ORA] RIGHT NOW closed memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY.
PAST radicalApologist [PRA] 10:50 PM opened memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY.
PRA: ok let me get started on this..its a better time then any
PRA: hi stream and forum..its your loving stream goer RA here
for a short little memo of things that have/will happen or however this time shit works
PRA: this is just for those who will b joining us at one point or another so they are filled in on what has already/will happen
PRA: i am sorry to inform you that this isnt a public posting thread so please if you have anything i missed out on at one point that you wish for me to touch on, please PM me and ill make a modification to this post and change things up if needed
PRA:but enough about that lets get going already
PRA:now lets start with..well..the beginning
PRA: vriska out of the kindness of her blue blood pumping muscle that at this moment i cant find a word for, started up the first stream by the name of "vriska's web" when they found they (the trolls) could watch movies without being in the same room with eachother
PRA: as you could probably guess they were overjoyed!
PRA: in the hours following the stream going up, to the displeasure of many (not all of course) of the the trolls we know and mostly regard as friends, the stream became packed with humans and other trolls who the 12 had not met before and frankly had no interest in meeting
PRA: ill have to cut this post short because i am too tired to work on it now, in the morning i shall continue on
PRA: but just remember..DONT FUCKING TOUCH THIS
FUTURE terminallyCapricious 4:13 opened memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY
FTC: ToUcH. hAhAhAhA...
FUTURE terminallyCapricious 4:13 closed memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY
PRA:that is all
PAST radicalApologist [PRA] 11:19 PM closed memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY.
PAST radicalApologist [PRA] 9:37 AM opened memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY.
PRA: oh
PRA: oh come on gamzee man im trying to keep this clean
PRA: all these shenanigans will probably scare away the newbies
PRA: buh whatever
PRA: lets just get back on course
PRA: anway where was i?
PRA: oh right, the stream became a hit, we watched movies and laughed at the trolls fighting among themselfs and it was AAAAALLL very to make sure vriska wasn't the most popular..or maybe cuz he just wanted to join in the fun..karkat made a stream too called "karkats desktop"
PRA: and in turn tavros made a stream as well: "tavros's dungeon"
PRA: tavros pretty much played GBA games without sound for a while because he was having audio problems until he convinced (bugged) sollux into fixing it for him
CRA: as for karkat he also played movies..most of which, to our surprise, were not romcoms...making for actually enjoyable streams from him
PRA: he quickly became the most popular streamer
FUTURE carcinoGeneticist 6:12 opened memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY
FUTURE carcinoGeneticist6:12 closed memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY
PRA: guh fuck it i dont care
PRA: now where was i?
PRA: ah yes
PRA: as time went on more and more people came in to stream and to watch
PRA: im guessing at one point karkat just called in his BEST FRIEND john to watch and he invited everyone else on his own accord
PRA: if this is true i guess i should thank him
PRA: anyway we got rose, terezi, diamonds droog, wandering vagabond, nepeta, kanaya, and another karkat, and two aradias to stream for us.
PRA: "WHOA RA HOLD UP WE HAVE TWO KARKATS?? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?" you ask? well its rather simple...even for us.
PRA: you see this website and the streams themselves are set up in a weird kind of people from doomed timelines..earlier timelines..older timelines...different dimensions even..are able to come and be a part of this tomfoolery.
PRA: in fact we have more then one of alot of people
PRA: as of right now we have 2 karkats, carcinoGeneticist (current with us karkat) and KarkatVantas (past karkat who is SLOWLY catching up), 2 nepetas, arsenicCatnip (current nepeta) and arsenicCatniip (appears to ALSO be current..if i were to guess she is in a timeline that is almost exactly like ours), two aradias, apocalypseArisen (who is past aradia before she was a robot) and apocalypsearisen (current robot aradia), and lastly two daves..which is pretty normal really..DaveStrider (current human dave) and turntechGodheadDS (current davesprite).
PRA: at this point there is only one thing to say in the case of this...
PRA: bluh fuck..all this weird time shit is making my head hurt..ill come back to this a bit later
PAST radicalApologist [CRA] 9:50 AM closed memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY.
CURRENT radicalApologist [CRA] RIGHT NOW opened memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY.
CRA: fuck no one knows how to listen
CRA: fuck whatever i dont care lets just keep going
CRA: now we will touch on some of the events that have happened over time
CRA: they will not happen in any certain order for this is only to give information
CRA: so yeah whatever
CRA: so right..a while back we were still using the streams channels..all was well and things were pretty peaceful as you can be with these assholes at least
CRA: we were all watching a movie on contra's (confusedTransier) channal and having a good time...or was it a show...ah well it doesnt matter the fact is we did it
CRA: then..a being of great assholetude appeared..with his head empty as a gamzee attacked faygo bottle he reported contras channal and got him shocked us all..we had gotten a good thing going and then some asshole came in and ruined it
CRA: but there was not much we could do..we bucked up and moved onto the next stream..contra got a new account and met up with us shortly after..from that point of we were careful
CRA: we didnt broadcast the channels like we used to..and we thought it would only be right to keep it to ourselfs
CRA: this struck us a blow..we were almost sure we wouldnt get any new viewers..we were ok with it but new people were always good to have
CRA: but then the chances for new blood were slashed away from us...or so we thought at least
CRA: after the ban things went back to normal and we didnt have much problems..but strangely enough we were still getting new people left and right..sure it was more of a slow pore now but we were getting more people that were staying rather then going "HEY YOU GUYS ARE FUNNY...WELL DERP BYE" and never coming back
RCA: it was nice if i do say so myself
CRA: but day..we decided we needed to make something BIGGER....a BUNCH of people has streams now..and going from page to page became troublesome
CRA: kanaya brought up the idea of a group channal..pool all the people that stream together and make one smooth ship for us to sail on
CRA: and thus.."the medium" was born
CRA: it was kind of a rough start..some people couldnt really get it and didnt know how to work it yet..but we got a hang of it...
CRA: at that point past katkat got a idea...lets make a site!
CRA: so we did..he spent some time working on it and got it down pretty well with the help of some other people
CRA: he also put together this little forum you are on right now
CRA: sometimes i wonder just how much he really enjoys our company...hmmmm
CRA: banner made by our resident aradia megido...she is very good at drawing..check out her thread its pretty go-FUCK THIS ISNT THE TIME TO PLUG ART
CRA: anyway things were going good...
CRA: what? you're waiting for the until?
CRA: well here
CRA: until
CRA: until..through some stupid chance..the stream was reported..and banned.
CRA: karkat..the one who set up the medium...current one i mean..he was banned for it cuz he set it up to begin with..if you think you saw him rage're wrong
CRA: anyway..after that happened we went and made another one..still under karkats name..and that worked for a while..but that too was banned..while i was streaming even..
CRA: feels bad man
CRA: but my point here is that we had to make one that was less we made 8888888888..a stream under vriskas name if you couldnt tell
CRA: buuuuut......karkat lost the password to it like a we had to make ANOTHER ONE...bluhbluh we call it..
CRA: for the time being it seems we cut down the showing of movies to rare times and mostly stick to streaming games
CRA: but yeah..thats all the direct stream related stuff going on CRA: and...that happened...or will happen...fuck i dont even know
CRA: but yeah..ill do next part pretty soon
CURRENT radicalApologist [CRA] RIGHT NOW closed memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY.
CURRENT arachnidsGrip [CAG] RIGHT NOW opened memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY.
CAG: Most popular streamer?!?!?!?! What!!!!!!!!??
CRA: get the fuck out of here vriska! this isnt the time or place for this!
CAG: Fuck you! IIIIIIII'm the most popular streamer!
CRA: like hell you are
CRA: you barely even stream anymore
CRA: and karkat used to stream for hours like...everyday for some time there
CRA: the point is that you arent and never will and be the most popular never were either
CAG: I streamed for just as many hours!
CAG: Now he doesn't, either!
CAG: 8esides, I used to 8e the oooooooonly one! I'm clearly the winner here! Not that any8ody should 8e surprised 8y that.
CRA: GOD WHATTHEFUCKEVER i dont care can you just move this hissy fit along so i can go back to making this damn thing in peace?
CAG: No way!
CAG: Hello, idiots reading this!
CAG: I'm Vriska!
CAG: You know, the gr8 one that every8ody likes, who started all this stuff, which I sort of regret 8ecause hooooooooly shit humans suck.
CAG: 8ut, anyway........
CAG: You're pro8a8ly a human if you're reading this, anyway.
CAG: In which case, go the fuck away!
CAG: Never come 8ack!!!!!!!!
CRA: *sigh* goddamn it
CRA: you should know by now any human in their right mind would ever listen to you
CRA: i sure as hell dont
CRA: now move along before i ban your ass
CRA: ill do it
CRA: im crazy
CAG: Oh, they'll listen to me!
CAG: I'll make them! :::
CAG: Just like you can't 8an me right now!
CAG: You can't do it, caaaaaaaan you?
CAG: Come on, all you have to do is click!
CAG: Make your move make your move make your moooooooove!
CRA banned CAG from responding to memo.
CRA: now that that retardation is over with lemme close this shit again
CURRENT radicalApologist [CRA] RIGHT NOW closed memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY.
CURRENT radicalApologist [CRA] RIGHT NOW opened memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY.
CRA: That's more like it! :::
CURRENT radicalApologist [CRA] RIGHT NOW closed memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY.
CURRENT radicalApologist [CRA] RIGHT NOW opened memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY.
CRA: fuck the police im not doing a intro
CRA: the next thing up is events that took place during the streams
CRA: this, is also in no real order but ill try my best to go by my memory like in the memo beforehand
CRA: most of these are so silly and dangerous that they should never be done by anyone again ever
CRA: so for the love of all that is holy....DO THIS SHIT
CRA: thats you cant do it seeing as you motherfuckers never listen to me anyway and do the opposite of what i say...congrats myself you just saved your friends a limb or two
CRA: now lets get this show on the rode
CRA: the first one im gonna say is...we kinda..made gamzee go crazy a while back
CRA: lemme try and explain
CRA: gamzee, under large amounts of stress...kinda...breaks..we arent sure all of the things that do it..but so are the two we know that do it are eversion's last few levels to a lesser extent..and song 22 of the squiddles album
CRA: you may be asking yourself..."wut RA?"...and that is a very good question
CRA: well the only answer i can come up with is....gamzee
CRA: when gamzee is in these..broken state..he WILL try and kill you..horribly even
CRA: the first time it happened was when the squiddles album had JUST came out
CRA: everyone went "WTF" pretty much at the same time
CRA: to the album i mean
CRA: now..when we got to the last song gamzee wasnt there yet
CRA: but we convinced him into skipping ahead
CRA: then shit hit the fan
CRA: as the prank started everyone started acting weird..really weird
CRA: they were all talking about being tangle buddies and talking in zolgospeak
CRA: but in time the prank was over on their side
CRA: but kanaya, one of the people they were pulling the prank on, x2 prank combo'd them and got them back while gamzee was flipping one point gamzee got a hold of kans chainsaw and started fucking shit up with it..not hurting anyone but still..fucking shit up pretty bad
CRA: kanaya had a bean bag gun at the moment that she shot at karkat and i think one other person..i dont remember
CRA: anyway after a while kanaya gave yup the prank after a good laugh and was about ready to move on until she noticed gamzee was still..well..flipping the fuck out
CRA: there didnt seem to be much that could stop gamzee at the time
CRA: buuuut we got him out of it by someone butting in and saying something along the lines of "hey gamzee! i heard that you like nepeta!"
CRA: after that he snapped out of it...and...didnt deny it?
buh..weird..oh well it probably isnt an important detail anyway
CRA: but onto the second time it happened
CRA: you day tavros went kinda..i donno...mad..weirdly enough..and turned on song 22 while gamzee was in the room and then left his desk to go see vriska i guess i dont even know
CRA: so gamzee heard it..and flipped out again!
CRA: he pulled out his club and started looking for the chainsaw again while everyone was panicing
CRA: i tried to turn his crazy self off the same way as before didnt all
CRA: eventually the trolls had to fight him off
CRA: kan tried knocking him out in non-lethal ways
CRA: eridan hid in his room and kept offering to blow his head was more annoying them helpful
CRA: karkat went in his room to hide as well...some fearless leader huh?
CRA: tavros was away
CRA: vriska was away
CRA: and equius tried to help fend off gamzee
CRA: weird thing is..when he is like that..his power surpasses equius even
CRA: also early fuck you to equius before he comes to bitch at me for this
CRA: this situation..actually got fucked up pretty badly
CRA: while equius was trying to restrain gamzee..he kinda got..gored by was pretty fucked up
CRA: kan who was hurt badly as well due to the close quarters fighting finally knocked him out and made him pass out
CRA: of course no one died here but yeah..equius had healed since the accident
CRA: dont bother him about'll just be on my head
CRA:...shit this has gone on a long time..and there is a whole nother gamzee story to tell
CRA: fuck it ill tell it next time
CRA: closing now
CURRENT radicalApologist [CRA] RIGHT NOW closed memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY.
CURRENT radicalApologist [CRA] RIGHT NOW opened memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY.
CRA: so right
CRA: on to the next story
CRA: i kinda forget what leads into it but we got gamzee to go crazy again...i think it was..oh yeah! was karkat this time i think
CRA: but really i dont remember
CRA: anyway
CRA: with this time..kan kinda had had enough and was just letting everyone else deal with him
CRA: equius had kinda had enough as well..seeing it was JUST the next day
CRA: but right..he was going after vriska and tavros pretty much only this time..and he didnt have the this case he had a spiked club...was not a pretty sight im sure
CRA: so we kinda just watched it happen for a bit and he was fucking shit up..but then vriska came on and gamzee tried to fight her..and kinda..broke her robot arm
CRA: so at this time kan thought it was good to jump in..equius as well..i guess he kinda needed the arm on hand
CRA: ha...see what i did there?
CRA: hand...arm...hahaha
CRA: haaa....
CRA: anyway
CRA: kan tried knocking gamzee out again
CRA: but it didnt work so well and as a counter attack gamzee threw special stardust into kans eyes..
CRA: it...actually made her get was fairly silly and awful
CRA: with a sedated kan off flipping out..or rather chilling out
CRA: equius was left to take care of gamzee pretty much on his own with a little back up from vriska
CRA: but in the end gamzee overpowered them both
CRA: now lets focus on kan for a bit
CRA: terezi was taking care of her high self while everyone else was fighting
CRA: kan was busy tripping out so she was kinda useless at the time
CRA: but then she noticed gamzee and went over and gave him a hug that knocked the wind out of him a bit but he knocked her away
CRA: terezi came and started helping by bonking gamzee..bonking him alot
CRA: br gamzee started attacking her too..though she just giggled it off
CRA: seriously what the hell is wrong with that girl?
CRA: anyway
CRA: kan came up behind gamzee and wrapped a scarf around his neck and started choking him out with it.not really meaning to..but ending up doing it anyway
CRA: anyway gamzee passed iyr from not being able to breath and went back to normal
CRA: kan snapped out of it not much later
CRA: and thats pretty much it...
CRA: there was some kind of weird drama shit last night as well but i wasnt there for it..if someone wants to PM me and tell me what happened ill add it to the story later on
CRA: but for now im gonna close this
CRA: yeah
CURRENT radicalApologist [CRA] RIGHT NOW closed memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY.
CURRENT radicalApologist [CRA] RIGHT NOW opened memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY.
CRA: ok right this is silly and short but this is more of a update about this memo itself
CRA: ill be doing updates for it once a day for a while
CRA: im sure all of you are broken hearted but the ship shall sail on
CRA: /update
CURRENT radicalApologist [CRA] RIGHT NOW closed memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY.
OOC radicalApologist [ORA] RIGHT NOW opened memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY.
ORA: (ok right this is new)
ORA: (lemme go out of character for a bit and explain something)
ORA: (very VERY recently the trolls were seen about to beat the game)
ORA: (vriska, who we had all thought kept her robot arm and one eye turned out to have became her dreamself because aradia killed her in the latest flash)
ORA: (do to this she went back to perfect health
ORA: (to avoid the many fuck ups that would have came to this...we have in turn retconed ((made it so it didnt happen)) all of the times vriska has had a robot arm and did things with it..also all the one eye jokes as well)
ORA: (i will update this again later IN character but for the moment this is just a news flash for those confused why suddenly vriska has her eye and arm back in the RP)
ORA: (i will continue to tell the stories as i remember them, weather they have robot arm shenanigans or not..not many did but im just saying)
ORA; (this section is also open to deletion if the RP overloads do not see it fit for me to tell you all this)
ORA: (as a humble non-canon it is my right to at least listen to them so yeah)
ORA: (this is RA signing off)
OOC radicalApologist [ORA] RIGHT NOW closed memo on board ADORABLOODTHIRSTY.