Well, this guy is certainly up there. Annoying Quirk, Self Insertion, also has the annoying nerve to tell me that "You're an ALTERNATE TIMELINE JADE!"
-- usefulUmeces
began pestering gardenGnostic
at 3:3 --
UU: hheeeyy
GG: hi!!
UU: okkaaayy thheeerreee ii dddiiddd thhiiss sstuuuppiiddd liittleee eeerrrraaannnddd.
GG: what?
UU: ohh goddd ii hhaaaveee to eeexxxpplaaaiinnn thhiiss aaagaaaiinnn
UU: thheee ffuuutuuurreee veeerrssiionnn off yyouuu ffrromm twwo tiimmeeeliinnneeess aaago, iinnn aaa tiimmeeeliinnneee wwhhiicchh nnno lnnnogeeerr eeexxxiisstss, tolddd mmeee to ppeeessteeerr THIS yyouuu aaat thhiiss ppoiinnnt iinnn tiimmeee.
UU: thhuuuss sstaaarrtiinnng ssommeee iidddiiotiicc cchhaaaiinnn rreeeaaacctiionnn orr ssommeeethhiinnng. hhoppeeeffuuullyy thhiiss iiss thheee laaasst iidddiiotiicc tiimmeee ccrraaapp ii nnneeeeeeddd to dddo
GG: ummm....
GG: okay then!
GG: did i tell you to tell me anything in particular??
UU: uuuhhhhhh
UU: yyeeeaaahh
UU: yyouuu mmiighht cceeeaaasseee to eeexxxiisst ssoonnn, thhuuuss mmaaakkiinnng mmeee teeell ANOTHER yyouuu thhiiss.
UU: hhoppeeeffuuullyy nnnot.
GG: what???
UU: sseeeeee aaannnothheeerr tiimmeeeliinnneee veeerrssiionnn off yyouuu mmaaayy bbeee wworrkkiinnng to mmaaakkeee ssuuurreee thheee tiimmeeeliinnneee wweee'rreee iinnn nnnoww nnneeeveeerr eeexxxiisstss
UU: bbeeeccaaauuusseee yyouuu dddiidddnnnt thhiinnnkk thhiinnngss thhrrouuughh
GG: ummm...
GG: i think time travel is daves thing not mine!
UU: yyeeeaaahh bbuuut yyouuurreee thheee onnneee lookkiinnn aaat thheee mmaaagiiccaaal cconnndddeeennnssaaatiionnn
UU: sseeeeeeiinnn thheee ffuuutuuurreee aaannnddd sshhiit
GG: well
GG: thats because my dream self was awake!
GG: but it died so i dont see the future anymore!! D:
UU: wwhhaaat
UU: hhoww thheee hheeell dddiiddd iit dddiieee
GG: johns dreamself was in danger!
GG: and i saved him!!
GG: but it died in the process!!!
UU: okkaaayy yyeeess yyouuu ssaaaveeeddd hhiimm bbuuut
UU: wwhhaaat hhaaappppeeennneeeddd
GG: prospit crashed into skaia!
UU: ...
UU: ......
UU: pprrossppiit
UU: ccrraaasshheeeddd
UU: iinnnto sskkaaaiiaaa
GG: yeah!
UU: wwhhaaat thheee ffuuucckk
UU: dddo yyouuu kknnnoww hhoww
GG: jack noir! he destroyed everything on prospit!!
GG: i was dreaming at the time and saw him
GG: so i hid until prospit fell!
GG: and john started to fall too!!
GG: i knew i had to save him!!
UU: ohh mmyy goddd
UU: ii aaamm goiinnng to jjjuuusst
UU: cchheeecckk thheee tiimmeeeliinnneee
UU: aaannnddd sseeeeee hhoww sshhiit got ffuuucckkeeeddd uuupp sso bbaaadddlyy
UU: ohh mmyy goddd
UU: thheee tuuurrnnniinnng ppoiinnnt off aaall thhiiss
UU: wwaaass aaa goddd dddaaammnnn bbuuunnnnnnyy. wwhhaaat thheee ffuuucckk.
GG: the bunny i sent to john!
UU: ii thhiinnnkk thhaaat wwiithh yyouuurr cclouuudddss
UU: yyouuu sshhouuuldddveee kknnnowwnnn thhaaat jjjaaacckk nnnoiirr ccouuulddd hhaaaveee iinnnteeerrcceeeppteeeddd thheee goddd dddaaammnnn bbuuunnnnnnyy
GG: but its really important! its going to help him out in the end!!
UU: yyeeess
GG: and everything is going to be alright!!
UU: iit aaalsso rreeessuuulteeeddd iinnn thhiiss mmaaassssiiveee ccaaataaasstrropphheee
UU: ohh mmaaannn ii hhaaateee to bbuuurrsst yyouuurr bbuuubbbbleee bbuuut
UU: nnno
UU: thhaaat bbuuunnnnnnyy iiss wwhhyy yyouuu aaarreee goiinnng to losseee
UU: iitss too ffuuucckkeeeddd uuupp aaalrreeeaaadddyy
UU: aaannnddd thheeennn thheee rriifft iiss goiinnng to taaakkeee pplaaacceee
UU: aaannnddd eeeveeerryy sseeessssiionnn iiss goiinnng to geeet ffuuucckkeeeddd uuupp
GG: do you know this or are you guessing??
UU: ii kknnnoww aaall off thhiiss
GG: how??
UU: thheeerreee, ii jjjuuusst dddiiddd
UU: hheeerreee leeet mmeee jjjuuusst ssccrroll bbaaacckk iinnn thheee tiimmeeeliinnneee aaannnddd tyyppeee ssommeeethhiinnng
UU: ii sshhouuulddd pprrobbaaabblyy teeell aaall thheee trrollss aaabbouuut thhiiss. ii sshhouuulddd dddo iit aaat thheee sstaaarrt off thheeeiirr liittleee aaadddveeennntuuurreee.
UU: sso thhaaat iitss nnnot too laaateee.
GG: i already know about the trolls!
UU: hhaaaveee thheeeyy trriieeeddd to sstopp yyouuu ffrromm ssccrreeewwiinnng eeeveeerryythhiinnng uuupp
UU: iitss pprrobbaaabblyy bbeeeccaaauuusseee ii jjjuuusst tolddd thheeemm
UU: wwaaaiit sso
UU: thheeeyy ffaaaiileeeddd
UU: sshhiit
UU: hhmm
UU: wweeell
UU: nnniicceee jjjobb ffuuucckkiinnng uuupp ssbbuuurrbb
UU: rreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaal nnniicceee