Post by apocalypseArisen on Sept 28, 2010 11:49:46 GMT -6
[glow=red,2,300] this is a b0ard f0r any0ne that wishes t0 pr0vide instructi0ns 0r c0mments 0n vari0us c00ked 0r baked c0nfecti0ns
i will start with a recipe f0r what is called lem0naid c00kies
the recipe f0r the c00kies themselves is 0pti0nal as i d0 believe s0me markets 0n earth sell the mix premade and that w0rks 0k
the c00kie ingredients
three cups 0f fl0ur 0ne and 0ne half teasp00n 0f baking p0wder 0ne half teasp00n 0f salt 0ne cup 0f white sugar 0ne cup 0f r00m temperature butter 0ne lightly beaten egg als0 r00m temperature thee tablesp00ns 0f half and half tw0 teasp00ns 0f vanilla extract
the icing ingredients three f0urths cup 0f s0ftened butter three tablesp00ns 0f fr0zen lem0nade concentrate, thawed three cups c0nfecti0ners sugar
preheat heating hull 0r 0ven t0 tw0 hundred degrees Celsius c0mbine fl0ur baking p0wder sugar and salt slice butter and blend until it crumbles stir in egg vanilla and half and half and blend thur0ughly spread d0ugh 0n a fl0ured surface and cut 0ut circles 0r just r0ll small bits int0 spheres if y0u want bake f0r six 0r seven minutes 0r until lightly br0wn
in a bowl, beat the butter and lem0nade c0ncentrate with an electric 0r r0b0tic mixer until pr0perly fused sl0wly add c0nfecti0ners suger until the mix is sm00th 0ne c0uld easily add s0me f00d c0l0ring if they feel like it i guess
spread icing 0n the c00kies while they are still warm and then wait until they are c00l
f0r th0se 0f us with0ut any ingredients the c0de is l3m0c4k3
p0st y0ur 0wn recipes if y0u want [/glow]
Junior Emptor
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Post by hellajeef on Sept 28, 2010 13:55:49 GMT -6
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Posts: 87
Post by Fokade on Sept 28, 2010 14:59:06 GMT -6
You can eat these as they come or just buttered, but they’re also a treat with scrambled or poached eggs, sausages, mushrooms, tomatoes and extra bacon. You can also vary the flavour by adding, for example, grated cheddar or semi-dried tomatoes with or instead of the bacon.
Makes 8
160g streaky bacon Sunflower oil or butter, for frying 2 medium eggs 240g plain flour 1 tsp baking powder Sea salt 1 tsp thyme leaves 120ml low-fat yoghurt 80ml sunflower oil Freshly ground black pepper, or cayenne
Heat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas Mark 4. Snip the bacon into thin strips (5mm wide) and cook in the oil or butter until crisp. Drain on kitchen paper.
Lightly beat the eggs. Sift the flour and baking powder into a bowl and add the rest of the ingredients, including the eggs and bacon. Gently fold the mixture into the beaten eggs with a spoon. Grease the inside of each muffin hole, pour in the mixture and bake for 25 minutes. Allow to cool for a few minutes before removing.
Post by confusedtransient on Sept 28, 2010 16:58:27 GMT -6
miind honey cake
* 1 3/4 cup2 all-purpo2e flour * 1 tea2poon ciinnamon * 3/4 tea2poon bakiing 2oda * 3/4 tea2poon 2alt * 1/2 tea2poon bakiing powder * 1/2 tea2poon ground giinger * 1 cup miind honey * 2/3 cup vegetable oiil * 1/2 cup fre2hly brewed 2trong coffee, cooled * 2 large egg2 * 1/4 cup packed brown 2ugar * 2 table2poon2 whii2key or bourbon
* 2peciial equiipment: a 9- by 5- by 3-iinch loaf pan
put oven rack iin miiddle po2iitiion and preheat two 350°F oiil loaf pan well and du2t wiith flour knockiing out exce22.
whii2k together flour ciinnamon bakiing 2oda 2alt bakiing powder and giinger iin a 2mall bowl. whii2k together miind honey oiil and coffee iin another bowl untiil well combiined.
beat together egg2 and brown 2ugar iin a large bowl wiith an electriic miixer at hiigh 2peed 3 miinute2 reduce 2peed two low then add miind honey miixture and whii2key and miix untiil blended about 1 miinute. add flour miixture and miix untiil ju2t combiined fiinii2h miixiing batter wiith a rubber 2patula 2crapiing bottwom of bowl.
pour batter iinto loaf pan (batter wiill be thiin) and bake 30 miinute2 cover top loo2ely wiith foiil and contiinue two bake untiil cake begiin2 two pull away from 2iide2 of pan and a wooden piick or 2kewer iin2erted iin center come2 out clean about 30 miinute2 more cool on a rack 1 hour.
run a kniife around 2iide of cake then iinvert rack over pan and iinvert cake onto rack turn cake riight 2iide up and cool completely.
Junior Emptor
WHat do i upt here/
Posts: 90
Post by hellajeef on Sept 28, 2010 16:59:44 GMT -6
You can eat these as they come or just buttered, but they’re also a treat with scrambled or poached eggs, sausages, mushrooms, tomatoes and extra bacon. You can also vary the flavour by adding, for example, grated cheddar or semi-dried tomatoes with or instead of the bacon.
Makes 8
160g streaky bacon Sunflower oil or butter, for frying 2 medium eggs 240g plain flour 1 tsp baking powder Sea salt 1 tsp thyme leaves 120ml low-fat yoghurt 80ml sunflower oil Freshly ground black pepper, or cayenne
Heat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas Mark 4. Snip the bacon into thin strips (5mm wide) and cook in the oil or butter until crisp. Drain on kitchen paper.
Lightly beat the eggs. Sift the flour and baking powder into a bowl and add the rest of the ingredients, including the eggs and bacon. Gently fold the mixture into the beaten eggs with a spoon. Grease the inside of each muffin hole, pour in the mixture and bake for 25 minutes. Allow to cool for a few minutes before removing. FUCK THAT,im a vegatarnion.........
sweet bro
Subsidized Suitor
Posts: 43
Post by sweet bro on Sept 28, 2010 17:13:06 GMT -6
FUCK THAT,im a vegatarnion......... youre AMERICAB .you DUMASS
Junior Emptor
WHat do i upt here/
Posts: 90
Post by hellajeef on Sept 28, 2010 18:51:32 GMT -6
FUCK THAT,im a vegatarnion......... youre AMERICAB .you DUMASSan what are you,.......... a CONUMIST?
sweet bro
Subsidized Suitor
Posts: 43
Post by sweet bro on Sept 29, 2010 1:04:39 GMT -6
an what are you,.......... a CONUMIST? DUDE you knowive never been to germnany
Post by gamzee on Sept 29, 2010 2:50:05 GMT -6
SiCk FiReS bRo iNgReDiEnTs: 1x SwEeTbRo 1x hElLaJeFf SeRvEs OnE cRoWd Of FuCkIn AmUsEd PeEpS. XoD hOnK
Junior Emptor
WHat do i upt here/
Posts: 90
Post by hellajeef on Sept 29, 2010 4:16:55 GMT -6
[quote author=hellajeef board=general thread=78 post=1301 ti DUDE you knowive never been to germnany[/color][/quote] [glow=red,2,300]what abuot thot time u went shoping forCARS[/glow]
Post by helperbot on Sept 29, 2010 16:03:20 GMT -6
Helper's Ranch Tuna Salad
1 medium-sized sealable container (make sure it has a lid!) 1 small fork, barring that one of those disposable plastic forks 1 knife 1 spoon (optional)
2 standard cans tuna in water 2 hard boiled eggs 1 stalk celery 3 heaping forkfuls mayonaise 3 forkfuls relish ranch dressing to taste (optional)
Open cans of tuna and drain water out. The less liquid, the better! Wash stalk of celery. Cut off end and joint, dice remainder, no bigger than tip of your little finger. Peel hardboiled eggs, dice eggs. You can also get away with tearing it apart with your fingers! I hope you've been putting all of this in your container~. Now, put the three forkfuls of mayo and three forkfuls of relish in with the rest and mix it all up so that the ingredients are completely mixed. If there doesn't seem to be enough, you can add a little more but be cautious! You don't want it to be too soupy. Once it looks right, taste just a little bit. If it tastes fine don't worry about the ranch dressing. If it needs a little omph, add ranch a spoonful at a time.
I prefer to eat this as a sandwich, but it's good on it's own too. I recommend letting it set in the fridge overnight to let the flavors blend before you actually use it for a sammich though. Also, don't forget to stir before you spread!
Post by heartsboxcars on Sept 29, 2010 16:19:41 GMT -6
Post by helperbot on Sept 29, 2010 16:27:55 GMT -6
>C It's three! Only two cans of tuna ya nut!!
Post by arseniccatnip on Sept 29, 2010 18:05:13 GMT -6
:33 < im gonna show you how to make muscle beast presentable enough your cubs will eat it! :33 < *ac grabs some leaves the muscle beast meat and some dirt* :33 < its not much of a job but if you dont do it right they wont be eating anything and without dinner you get night mares! :33 < first you take the meat and put it on your plate of whatever sort or maybe even just put it on the ground where it will be eaten :33 < next you take the leaves shred them and scatter them across the meal like that stuff you s33 on tv! yum! :33 < you then take the dirt and in a thin layer make a ring around the meat :33 < finally you have to heat the edges in any way possible :33 < just make it look like its fully cooked however you want! :33 < then it looks like its a fancy cooked steak with spices and the whole bunch! :33 < no nightmares fur these cubs no-ser-33 these little people will be eating fur an hour!
Post by centaursTesticle on Sept 29, 2010 19:42:47 GMT -6
:33 < im gonna show you how to make muscle beast presentable enough your cubs will eat it! :33 < *ac grabs some leaves the muscle beast meat and some dirt* :33 < its not much of a job but if you dont do it right they wont be eating anything and without dinner you get night mares! :33 < first you take the meat and put it on your plate of whatever sort or maybe even just put it on the ground where it will be eaten :33 < next you take the leaves shred them and scatter them across the meal like that stuff you s33 on tv! yum! :33 < you then take the dirt and in a thin layer make a ring around the meat :33 < finally you have to heat the edges in any way possible :33 < just make it look like its fully cooked however you want! :33 < then it looks like its a fancy cooked steak with spices and the whole bunch! :33 < no nightmares fur these cubs no-ser-33 these little people will be eating fur an hour! D --> Oh my gog
D --> I think I may be sick